Summertime Sunsets

Hello everyone! This week was a very lackadaisical week for me. I am getting into the routine of being a student again. The highlight of my week this week was my sunset bike ride with my friend Ashton. I grew up always riding my bike and I am grateful I have friends at school who also do. 

Our bike ride started around 7:45p.m. and we did not make it back for another two hours. We started at my house and rode onto Ohio Northern's Campus. Our campus is very pretty during the glow hour. The sun was setting rather quickly so we rode through campus over to the football stadium. Beyond the stadium there used to be three windmills. In the last two months, they all have been torn down. Next to one of the windmills there was a set of bleachers that I would go to during the summertime. The sun was laying just above the tree line, which ended up being perfect for some pictures. Although the sun is the main attraction, I think the beauty lies within the pink clouds being twisted up in the blue sky. 

With me, sunsets always turn into stargazing. Starry nights help me reflect and guide myself. Having my friend there allowed some very engaging conversation. Taking another perspective of things can give you a better understanding sometimes. After around two hours the bugs decided it was time for us to head home and call it a night. I was beyond grateful for this experience.  


  1. One of the many things that I do love about Ada is the gorgeous sunsets. I don't know if it is because how flat it is here but there always seems to be a picture-worthy sunset

  2. Hi Ryan. I am glad you have friends going to the same university with you. It must make your experience less nerve racking when you have friends going through the higher education experience with you. Biking is a great sport because you can set a pace and not get tired as fast as you would for running. I did not expect Ada to have great sunrises and sunsets. I think we take for granted the nature around us. I am glad you can connect with nature and relax during your college experience.


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