Chapter Six

Hey everyone, and welcome back to Ryan's Realm. This entry we are going to be discussing Chapter Six of our textbook, which talks about how to market with twitter. For those who do not know, Twitter is a social microblogging platform where users share short messages called tweets in two hundred eighty characters or less. Many people connect with their passions, share their opinions, and find out what is happening in the world right now through Twitter.

Twitter is a potent tool for businesses looking to leverage the social media platform for marketing. Twitter users are three times more likely than Facebook users to follow a brand. It is crucial to develop Twitter in your social media marketing plan because the response rate is much higher than other platforms. Being a business on Twitter it allows you to discover what is happening with other brands similar to you, it also increases brand awareness, it provides customer service when needed and it allows you to connect with customers, brand advocates, and influencers. Being able to engage with your customers is a huge plus side to this social media demographic.  

Lastly, it is important to know how to produce a tweet. Out of the 280 allowed characters, the less is better, although it is important to properly get your message across. Make sure to use some sort of infographic, whether that is a picture or a link to another site. Having an infographic will pause the scroller and entice them to read your post and receive more retweets and responses. Hopefully this helps you understand how to market your business on twitter!


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