13th & Climbing

 Ohio Northern Men's Soccer has been roaring lately. We have had a great season and with these last three weeks left we are looking to capitalize and achieve success. We are currently the 13th best team in the country, and we have room to rise with two victories this week. In the OAC we are currently undefeated, and this is the first time we have done this in this decade. The last squad to achieve an unbeaten regular season went on to place second in the NCAA tournament. 

The reason for our success has to do with us, or the players. Our chemistry with one another in unparalleled, we all play so well with each other. The last four years our team has had struggles with our coaches ruining the mental health of the players and that caused us to lose some valuable pieces. Our senior class has done a lot to change the image our team holds. We have shifted focus to playing with each other, not against each other. The beauty is that since we have made that adjustment on the field, it has shown direct correlation off the field. It's beautiful when thirty guys can come together, and all be best friends.  


  1. Team chemistry is so underrated but is probably the most valuable non-skill related component of a team. How well you get along with other players and coaches will help push you through adversity during games to help come out on top.

  2. Even though I have never seen a soccer game I have heard that both the men and women are good. I have been on sports teams with coaches that sound like the same type you mentioned. A lot of times it is up to the teammates to help each other. I feel that coaches need to refrain from comparing teammates and give advice to the induvial if the player’s performance may effect the results of the game.


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