Time Traveling

    I know they say that time flies when you are having fun, but I did not think I would ever face the reality of it. In just a month I am done playing soccer competitively like I have been. On top of that I am leaving this little town in May. I know part of it is fear of the future, which I am excited for, but I am not totally ready to give up sleeping in during weekdays. 

    On the contrary, I am ready for the big boy bucks. Being this young, I still want to travel overseas and explore the world. I can remember freshman year of high school like it was yesterday, which saddens me. In between then and now I have tried to be where my feet are. I think that is the best piece of advice I could ever give to a person. 

    I am ready though. It is time to focus on something other than homework assignments. I have a grasp of my ideal career, but it will be a challenge to get there. I just need to remember to be where my feet are these last months, it is this time of our lives we get to act with more freedom. 


  1. Hey Ryan, Congratulations on making it this far in your career and good luck with the rest of it. I also think it is sad that I will have some teammattes leaving that really are like family to me. They took me in and made my transition here very easy. I hope the best for you in your next journey.

  2. Ryan, I relate to this so much. I feel like just yesterday i was a freshman in college and now I'm a junior. crazy how it seems like time keeps speeding up


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